Friday, December 20, 2013

He vuelto [edit: Spanish]

12/20/13 – 2214 HRS   [edit: typos] 

I closed the browser page to realize that’s its exactly two years since I had been here. I thought the world ended in 2012, unlikely that I’m still blogging from the skies. Life’s been a roller coaster as usual in the days, I am a Security Analyst now !

I couldn’t control my smirk as I spell out the last lines, even my senses don’t bare a chance to mock at me.  My current position doesn’t hold much relevance to my life, except that it gives me food, shelter and clothing. I like the profession though, which doesn’t qualify me as a deserving individual at that place, though, I am a mediocre at my work, doing the regular stuffs, only hoping that a miracle can help me survive the competitive market.

I know this is the most irrational expansion of what I have been doing, but it should be enough to conceive that my career seems to be unwavering at this time, hoping to attain the acceptable level at some point of time. However, the future is a little hazy pertaining to the current work atmosphere and client interaction. (For all Americans !) I come from the IT service Industry / Information Services, where the truth of surviving the race to the target is regular orgasms, and a contraceptive pill can definitely denture your hopes for growth.

Moving on, I moved to a different geographical location a few months back, currently residing at 25°18′N 51°31′E (for all Indians – Read: Doha , Qatar). It’s a quiet, laid back city in the middle of quaternary, with most of the local population arrogant and ignorant. The only learned men running the daily firms are either of Indian Origin, or the people from the west and Middle Eastern Arab countries.

It’s not the same as Dubai, which is quite happening for most of its part, with great infrastructure and modern surroundings, reminding me of the live that I actually looked for.

Here, in the midst of Arabia, as I must say, in a moderately 8 square meters room, the only activity that last for long hours of boredom and staleness is the repeated sound of Indian movies, playing for the millionth time. Other sorts of entertainment include frequent visits to the toilet, opening and closing of doors, shifting bases from the bed to couch back to bed, sneezing at times, breathing for most of the times and thinking of a sci-fi mythological figure which would be born one day, to fly me out of this dungeon or at least digest me as his last supper !

I thought of putting up all the rants that have been doing rounds in my mind, being  up-to-date with all the political circus happening around the globe, but decided to list it all, in the posts to follow.

A lot has happened since I was here last, a no. posts couldn’t make it to the forefront for all unexplained reasons, and however, the time has come to revive the sheen on my lost gold, the eternal peace of my life. I am not sure if I had mentioned this in the past, but there is a little difference in the loneliness that haunted me and the kind of solitude am in now. I found a significant other (SO) to be with, probably even before December 2011 (the last time I was here).

I remember reading amor cuerdo , no es amor [edit: Spanish], as I set out on this new fantasy. It’s been lovable, adorable, and delectable in some parts while the rest hope to be in peace. I know this is how it turns out for almost everyone, but the very purpose of this blog is not to stand out unique or different in any ways. This space is a part of my life, irrespective of being customary.

I have been the silent sob for the most part of this relationship which I don’t mind though, while the only thought that lingers is that my SO, doesn’t let me down one day. I don’t except much but just a little love and care, never to be in the shoes of Niemoller who once said, “First they came for the socialists, and i didn't speak out because i wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and i didn't speak out because i wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and i didn't speak out because i wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me. “ I would be muted for the rest of my life.

Moving on, it’s seems to be rebuttal of time, wonder if the clock hands have started to run backwards, I have returned to some old Indian melodies, I have started to love pain, I feel cursed again, I evaluated my faith , I feel lonely again. The past months have been difficult in terms of mental reconciliation and emotional bliss. Prudence however, explains these situations to be completely natural, but my little thinking factory seizes to accept.

I remember the days, back in the hut when I longed for a personal space, an area of conscience to play around with my spirits of goodwill and hell. I had always thought this new venture would be more enduring, more likeable, but it turned out to be on the contrary. It’s a mixed bag of emotions every day. The new work order, doesn’t have much on offer at present, and feel to be coveted by the loved arms of someone special, eats into the rest of the day.

Never mind, I don’t have much to say now, but I will be back soon with more thoughts on a regular basis. I wish to sign off with a few lines I am with right now, [edit: Urdu/Hindi]

Sukh ban gaye sapne , Sab kho gaye apne
Dil bujh gaya, Ghar jal gaya
Na jaane kyun na jaane kyun
Yaadon ka phir aanchal uda
Na jaane kyun na jaane kyun

Kyun so gayi shame , Kat na sake raate
Dil bujh gaya, Ghar jal gaya
Na jaane kyun na jaane kyun

The joys have turned to memories, all near ones have parted ways
My Heart has lost the light, the house is on fire
i dunno y..  dunno y
Reminiscences have flown away
I dunno y.. dunno y

Why the evenings have fallen apart, I’s difficult to see through the night
My Heart has lost the light, the house is on fire
i dunno y..  dunno y

I dunno y ..

mE ‘n mA LonE souL 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.

However, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took

The melody out of music;

The pride out of appearance;

The courtesy out of driving;

The romance out of love;

The commitment out of marriage;

The responsibility out of parenthood;

The togetherness out of the family;

The learning out of education;

The service out of patriotism;

The Golden Rule from rulers;

The nativity scene out of cities;

The civility out of behavior;

The refinement out of language;

The dedication out of employment;

The prudence out of spending;

The ambition out of achievement or;

The fear of God out of government and school.

And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!

And, we do understand the meaning of patriotism, and remember those who have fought and died for our country.

Just look at the Seniors with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts!


I am the life of the party . . . even if it lasts until 8 p.m.

I'm very good at opening childproof caps . . . with a hammer.

I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.

I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying.

I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure place, somewhere.

I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg.

I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Yes, I'm a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having the time of my life!

Now if I could only remember who sent this to me, I wouldn't send it back to them, but I would send it to many more too!
Spread the laughter, Share the cheer.

Let us be happy while we are here.