Sunday, January 31, 2010


A belated happy new year to all readers. Hope that none of you face the same difficulties of the previous year; obviously there will be new ones, whether you utter it or don’t think of it. I have started my new year with a new ailment, there would be some like me, hope a speedy recovery to all those suffering and hope that the others remain happy and successful ever for the rest of their lives. All of you will surely have fun; have faith, that’s the lead to it. (I dunno... I read that in my religious journal!).

It was a year like all others everything happening every where, like politically, economically, biologically, environmentally, nuclearly (I meant nuclear – ly), habitually, climatically, socially, emotionally, psychologically, physically, medically, astronomically, and fashionably... every thing... I hope I covered the entire possible valid as well as invalid “ally’s”.

Well reasons for being quite late on the New Year greeting include my laid back attitude apart from being hospitalized for the major part of the month. As going by the old pundits all’s well that ends well.
I feel quite exotic to be back at my little hut, with practically a serene absence staring back at you, it still feels warm to be at this portal. I certainly wasn’t born blogging, rather this passion is only four years old, but I feel to have hit upon a bingo every time I return to this home page.

A blog is simply the greatest of friends one can ever dream off. You can hit upon this portal, celebrate the happy moments, mourn the sadness, cry upon your lost destiny, weep into your bleeding life, question your faith , answer the same, bicker upon some cheap politics, have your say at every thing (whether it matters or not..), curse upon your own existence, plead to survive..
Voila! It is a complete package, I mean I cannot think of a material, object or life that bears upon all these facilities at the same time.

With hardly four months more to be at this place I wonder whether it all started wrong or there is a great fault at the end line. Thinking back during the prayers (well I do pray some times..) I found myself crying at the end of everything.
Be these tears for those who never thought of me but sympathised on my condition, or for the happiness of leaving this place, or may be for those who accepted me, my life, my existence, thought upon me, sympathised on me, believed on me, trusted on me, or may be made a difference in me.

I certainly seem to be out of my few personal discrepancies, courtesy to some well beings, there still remains something that haunts the arteries through its every bend and corner.
Going through a blog the other day, it was interesting to learn that a friend at last found his muse, rather I thought compromised onto finding one, and I still remain hunting for the muse of my life. I think that’s what missing all the years in my life.

In the midst of all this literature, I get a strong feeling that there has been quite a change in the way this little session is building up. Well there might be a hint of a feel good factor which I have been trying to build up for quite some time.
Having said that I think that makes up for all those wishing to bring out a difference in me.
Well all that was politically and diplomatically right, it’s time I hit the board with a social bingo.

The issues in life seem to equal the no. of stories of Burj Khalifa. Every morning shines in a fresh controversy. Some friends prove to be more than expected while some others murder the very spirit of the divine name. I repeat a query; whether it all started wrong or there is a great fault at the end line.

I am quite sure that everything started wrong. The very decision to start a career at this place fell apart. Almost every decision that hence followed plunged into hell.
It really hurts as I recall every moment, with every flash back speaking of curse, misery, pain, disbelief, dishonour, disgrace, disrespect.
A few instances certainly go down the record books, but unfortunately not more than ten pages to turn around.

Looking back, I blogged the most no. of times during the entire four years, each blog cried more than the previous entry, I experienced the worst of Sundays, went through the worst of financial crisis, was mocked of almost all possible stuffs.
Well an amazing feedback of 35040 hours of engineering.

Well that might make it for the New Year greetings, they come in different ways from different people. Every living being on the earth wishes a great luck ahead on a January Uno.
Engineering the entire prospect of greeting, applying certain benders twisters on the way let’s make it this way:

“To all the surviving souls on earth wish u a great year with all the new pains and grief’s which are always bound to happen, hope that the almighty gives the power to seep through the entire period and let’s hope that all go through a moment of tear, as truly the tears always bring the mind, soul and the hearts together.”

Wish u all a tearful year !!

mE ‘n Ma lonE SouL

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