Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Good Afternoon

Life has changed since the last time i had been here..
away from the routine life of the boarding i have at last started to gain momentum towards other concepts of my life. I have succeeded in putting complete brakes on the "unfortunate" routine.
Things have changed then..
friends have come closer... Sundays are not the same... Hours go by like minutes.... in real sense the engine of my life has finally started to crawl on its lines...
I think of the future today as heavy rain pours outside relieving of the severe heat (I suppose).

Wonder how will the End Semesters Examination go by as they wait only two weeks ahead.. lets hope for the best once again for this time...... just like i have kept hoping for the past twelve years of my education.
This is the time that most of the school teens await there fate... the results of their exams...
Down the lane... the moments never went by, the rush of blood almost split the veins.. the arteries seemed to bulge greater than the limb...

that's down the lane....

college results no more create that feeling.... I miss the pain...
The days of schooling...
It's time again that I have started longing for the school days to return back.... 'Old is Gold' they say..

This visit really had no real reason but it doesn't feel like living until I visit this portal frequently and abuse it for my purpose...
It's this portal that seems to never leave me alone, and promises to be together in every circumstances.... I have faith that this shall never deceive...

never trust.. always have faith...
i was counselling a friend the other day...

Just the simple reason that trust might be broken but faith continues to believe on inspite of all the jeopardy, simply because faith is that power that shall never be broken.
It's this faith that has really helped to overcome my routine life and build the tracks for a brand new journey. Trust would have just left me with scars hanging over a ceiling fan...
it's the faith that makes me remain existing until date.....

It's on this faith that I hope to live on and promise for a better tomorrow.....
hoping to come up with something new in a few days...

signing off
me 'N mA Lone SouL


Anonymous said...

its good..ur condition there is getting "liveable"

Anonymous said...

oh btw.. i am gonna call u one of these daysss.. pakka

Anonymous said...

ooooh nice
faith n trust so similar but yet completely different
never thot of tht before

Anonymous said...

gud rittin saad..... keep t up.... n cheEr up..... lyfs 2 short 2 grief.....!!!!